We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week that you need to know:

Search Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

Google Announces an Incoming Reviews Update for the Reviews Systems

Google announced an upcoming Reviews Update and the commencement of a new phase for their Reviews System that will roll out next week. This update is likely to have positive implications for SEOs, as Google aims to improve and enhance its review system on a regular and ongoing basis. In the past, Google would provide periodic notifications regarding improvements to their review system; however, with this new update, these notifications will no longer be necessary. Instead, Google will be continuously updating and evolving its review system, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and relevant.

Google SearchLiaison Clarifies About How Helpful Content System Works

SearchLiaison provided a clear explanation about how the Helpful Content System assesses the quality of websites. It was emphasized that the system does not consider updates made to cater to Google’s algorithms. This is not something that is mentioned in their guidelines. The context of the questions pertains to actions done solely to please Google. Suppose a website simply modifies the date of its content to make it appear more recent. In that case, this behavior will likely align with other actions considered indicators of helpfulness. However, it is not an issue if these modifications are not primarily done to please Google.

Google Releases Second Major Core Update for November 2023

Google announced the release of its second major core update for November 2023. This update, which is currently rolling out, is expected to be fully implemented over the next few weeks. Core updates are regular adjustments made to Google’s algorithms that determine the search results displayed to users. The purpose of these updates is to enhance the relevance and quality of the web pages that appear in response to search queries. In a statement, Google clarified that this month’s core update focuses on improving a different core system than the previous month’s update. Nevertheless, Google’s guidance regarding core updates remains consistent for both updates.

Google Updates the Structured Data Guidance Related to the Video Features Rich Results Shown in Google Search

Google updated its structured data guidance for video features rich results in Google Search. Structured data plays a crucial role in organizing and categorizing information on the web. It consists of a type, which represents a thing, and properties, which are attributes of that thing. The change introduced by Google pertains to the video structured data, where it now requires the inclusion of the publication time of the video. This requirement can be fulfilled by utilizing the DateType structured data type. To provide further clarity and assistance to web admins, Google has updated its documentation with additional guidance in two sections. These updates aim to enhance the accuracy and relevance of video search results for users.

Google Resolves Discover Traffic Issue Caused By October 2023 Core Update 

Google successfully addressed a problem impacting the visibility of certain websites in Google Discover following the company’s most recent core search update. The issue was identified and resolved by Google on November 1 after it detected a bug that affected the application of its October 2023 core update to Discover. Consequently, some websites may now experience a boost in traffic related to Discover. Google launched the October 2023 core update on October 5 to enhance the search algorithms and ensure that more authoritative content is surfaced while low-quality websites are downgraded.

Google Announces New Search Features and Tools for Small Business 

Google takes steps to support small businesses during the holiday shopping season by introducing new search features and tools. These updates help small businesses stand out and reach a wider customer base. With changes to Search, Maps, and Merchant Center, Google aims to provide enhanced visibility for these businesses. One of the notable features includes AI-powered product image generation, which can help businesses showcase their products in a more visually appealing manner. Additionally, Google will introduce enhanced business information panels and labels that identify “small business” listings, making it easier for customers to identify and support these enterprises.

Google Finishes Switch to Mobile-First Indexing 

Google made a significant transition to mobile-first indexing; this shift signifies a change in Google’s approach to crawling pages and indexing content, with a greater emphasis on prioritizing mobile versions. This move aligns with Google’s growing focus on mobile devices, first evident in 2015 when the company updated its search algorithm to prioritize “mobile-friendly” sites. In the subsequent year, Google began the process of mobile-first indexing by specifically crawling mobile pages instead of desktop ones. This transition highlights the increasing importance of mobile in today’s digital landscape and emphasizes the need for businesses and website owners to optimize their mobile presence.

What Google’s John Mueller Answered on 404 Errors In Search Console?

In response to a question on Reddit regarding the thousands of 404 errors reported in Google Search Console, John Mueller from Google, you have provided some valuable advice. According to Mueller, the best course of action is ignoring these errors. He explained that if a page is not intended to exist, it is expected to return a 404 error. On the other hand, if you believe the page should exist, the 404 error serves as a helpful reminder. This insight from Mueller highlights the importance of properly managing and addressing 404 errors to maintain a healthy website.

Google Rolls Out New Search Tools To Help With Math, Science, and Visual Learning Problems

Google’s latest update to Search and Lens brings exciting new capabilities for students and educators alike. With the introduction of these new tools, solving complex math and science problems becomes easier than ever. The step-by-step explanations and solutions these tools provide will greatly aid in understanding and mastering STEM subjects. Moreover, the inclusion of interactive 3D models will enhance visual learning, allowing users to explore concepts in a more immersive and engaging way. This announcement also underscores the advancements in AI technology that power these upgraded math, science, and visual search capabilities. 

Google Merchant Center Now Allows to Add a Google Business Profile 

Google Merchant Center, the platform that allows businesses to upload and promote their products on Google, has introduced a new feature that allows users to add their Google Business Profile details. This integration with Google Business Profiles is part of the upgraded platform version known as Google Merchant Center Next. According to Emmanuel Flossie’s report, businesses can now connect their Google Business Profile to their Merchant Center account. This new feature provides businesses with the opportunity to showcase their business information and enhance their online presence more comprehensively.

Social Media Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

LinkedIn Reaches One Billion Users and Launches an AI-Powered Tools for Job Search

LinkedIn reached a significant milestone of one billion users. To enhance its user experience and provide more personalized career guidance, LinkedIn has unveiled an AI-powered Premium update. This new Premium experience aims to offer tailored tips and recommendations to users regarding their skills, connections, and job opportunities. By leveraging artificial intelligence technology, LinkedIn intends to become users’ trusted partner in navigating the rapidly changing workplace landscape, which is increasingly influenced by automation.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.