21st November saw the end of the road for the Yahoo Site Explorer, as it was rolled in to Bing Webmaster Tools. This means that you will lose the invaluable…
Taking an active part in Q&A sites is very smart SEO. You not only get targeted traffic, but also build quality links. Search engines include Q and A sites as…
You know it very well that Twitter links are 'nofollow'- but that doesn't mean that Twitter can be ignored when it comes to link building. Infact, Twitter links will help…
J. C. Penney was penalized for a period of 90 days by Google, in February, 2011, for not conforming to their guidelines while optimizing their site for search. The report…
A post at Search Engine Journal elaborates on the arrival of LinkVooDoo, a tool, that plays a very important role in link buying or link exchange campaigns. It is a…
According to the Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: “Keep important pages within several clicks from the homepage” Although you may believe that users prefer a search box on your site…
FROM MY PEN…….. One of the easiest ways to get loads of targeted visitors is via blog comments. Commenting on blogs can be fun, and is one of the amazing…