


Find the latest guides, trends and news related to PPC marketing. Here’s everything you need to know about Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Microsoft Advertising.

Google seems to be making an overhaul of AdWords Keyword Planner in the new AdWords interface. Workflows in new KeyWord Planner are far more organized in comparison to the older version. It utilizes Google’s Material Design which matches the new AdWords interface. The bet indication of the new approach is visible from the start screen. The old version had multiple options & links. The new start screen on the other hand focuses on two options: “Find new keywords” and “Get metrics and forecasts for your keywords”.

Keyword ideas

Keyword ideas chart in the new Keyword Planner shows total monthly search volumes as in the older version. However, it also shows mobile search volume in the in the main chart. In the old version of Keyword Planner, mobile search volume is only available from drop down menu of Search volume trends.

A new Google AdWords Express update will enable advertisers to attend missed calls by using push notifications. Google stated that one in every five calls received on an AdWords Express ad goes unanswered. Now, if you miss a call, the AdWords Express app will send a notification inviting you to call the customer.

You need to have access to the AdWords Express app to receive notifications about missed calls. Once the app gets installed, notifications might be installed once you go to settings and opt for account updates. With this new update, Google also added another feature to AdWords Express which is designed to enhance the relevancy of customer calls. Now at end of each call which you receive via AdWords Express, you will be asked to provide a feedback on the relevance of the call.

Bing Ads is introducing a new way for advertisers for managing multiple accounts using a single email address and a password. The multi-user access facility of Bing Ads removes the necessity to sign into different accounts separately. Advertisers can, therefore, move from one account to another in a hassle free manner, thereby finishing a greater part of their work within a shorter time span.

Bing Ads enables users to access multiple accounts using single sign-in

Connect phone sales back to the original ad campaign, as Bing Ads now allows to import call conversion data, using the offline conversion import which was released the past September.

It can be integrated to any call-tracking system using the Offline Conversion Import tool offered by Bing Ads.

The first call-tracking system to support Bing Ads and use the new call conversion capability is CallTrackingMetrics.

In a recent blog post Bings Ads announced expanding shopping campaigns to Canada and India. After launching the feature in the US, UK, France, Germany, and Australia, Canada and India are the new markets for Bing Shopping Campaigns. BSC in Canada will support only the English feeds, skipping French feeds for now. Other than this, no Product ads will not be displayed in Quebec.

Bing said, “With this launch, Bing users in Canada & India will see a more engaging product search experience. We encourage all retail advertisers (from the US, the UK, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia) to start creating Bing Shopping Campaigns targeting these two new markets. Over the next few months, we will continuously improve our platform and plan to add BSC capability in more international markets.”

In March 2017 Google AdWords announced redesigning the AdWords for marketing in a mobile first world. Now the new AdWords experience is available to all advertisers.

Faster Load Time

The account pages will now load around 20% faster. The navigation is a breeze, now that all the clutter has been removed. You can now add multiple ad extensions in one single step. Not just this, you now have quick access to insights about your customers, like visualization of the days and hours they are engaged with your business.

Bing Ads has announced about expanding Dynamic Search Ads to all advertisers in the UK and USA. This new campaign type will dramatically reduce the costs of initial setup and daily management, along with identifying and capitalizing on new queries and sources of revenue for the business.

DSA leverages organic crawling of Bing and machine learning algorithms. It automatically matches the most relevant web page to a given search query. After the identifying the page, Bing Ads generates an ad to match the implied search intent, or any available additional real-time signals and show the ad on Bing.

Holiday season is approaching and Google Merchant Center has updates to help advertisers. The new feeds experience and Opportunities are here just in time for the advertisers to win this holiday season.

Supplemental Feeds

Earlier product data could only be submitted in one primary feed. Supplemental feeds now offer the flexibility to submit and modify your product data from multiple sources. Supplemental feeds can be used to add or override attributes and values in the primary feed.

Bing Ads announced about new account level extensions that allow advertisers to add and edit ad extensions at the account level. The new feature will help you save a lot of time, besides providing consistency across advertising platforms. Associating extensions at the account level ensure that the extensions are applied to all existing and new campaigns automatically, thus improving the CTR of the ads.

In an official blogpost Google AdWords announced about launching reporting dashboards. Advertisers can bring together their most important reports and discover insights about their business.

Google stateed, “Every business has its own unique set of reporting needs – from determining which keywords drive the most website traffic to understanding the top performing mobile search ads over time. Having a consolidated, and comprehensive view of how your account is doing helps you spend less time creating reports, and more time identifying new opportunities.”