Google has created a new JavaScript SEO video series exclusively for web developers and SEOs. In this series, Google assists users to create web apps through the use of JavaScript.
JavaScript has widespread popularity as it enables web developers to create highly interactive web apps. Some of the advantages of JavaScript frameworks are mentioned below-
- Offer valuable utilities and tools to boost the productivity of developers
- Assist in code structuring in big application codebases
- Enable quicker prototyping cycles since they include components and libraries
While using JavaScript for SEO, you also need to take into account a number of considerations. These considerations are either technical or strategic. Google covers the following aspects in the video series-
- The distinction between JavaScript and classic websites
- The SEO essentials for React, Angular and Vue
- The manner in which Google Search crawls, distributes and indexes JavaScript based content
- Tools for testing and resolving bug related issues in a JavaScript site
- Explanation of dynamic rendering and how to install it with Rendertron