From search results to websites, webpages, articles and products and now display ads. The +1 button is everywhere. According to Google, the +1 buttons are now available for display ads too. This means that if you are one of those, that have running ads in the Google Display Network, then your ads will now have +1 buttons and annotations. So, by +1ing your ad, people can recommend your ads’ landing pages to others.

How The +1 Will Go Viral:

Google has arranged for the +1 to work simultaneously all over the web. This means that if you +1 a Google Display Network ad anywhere on the web, then it shows up on your website, as in the number of +1s of your site also goes up at the same time. Similarly, if some one has a banner ad, then the amount of times a website is +1ed, the number would go up in the banner too.

+1 on Ads

Ads And The Social Impact Of The +1 Button:

The +1 button has made ads very social. If people will see their friends or family recommending an ad, then they are quite likely to explore the ad and even +1 it themselves. Ads will have a social face now, not just brand ambassadors promoting them but regular people, and users are recommending them. The result more faith for the brand and less skepticism.

On What Ads Will The +1 Button Show Up?

According to Google, the +1 button will work on the following ad types- image, animated GIF, flash, display ad builder ads, chosen mobile inventory and DoubleClick Rich Media ads, on or off the Google Display Network.

When Will The +1 Show Up On Your Ad?

Google says, that the +1 button and annotations will show up across all Google display ads over the next few weeks.

For more on the impact of the +1 button see this. Share your view on the power of +1, and leave a comment below.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.