In the online world, SEO is really important for businesses that want to be seen and get more visitors to their websites. However, with the good things about SEO also come the bad things about negative SEO – harmful tactics used to ruin a competitor’s search engine rankings.

Negative SEO can really hurt a website’s reputation and how it shows up in search results. It can happen in a lot of different ways, like fake reviews or hacking the website. By knowing what could harm your website and taking steps to protect it, you can lower the chance of harmful things happening and keep your website strong on the internet.

In this post, we will look at ways to prevent negative SEO attacks. Come learn how to keep your website safe from negative SEO tactics by implementing the given steps and maintain its ranking on search engines.

What Does Negative SEO Mean?

Negative SEO is when your competitors or other people try to harm your website’s rankings on purpose. These include harming a website’s search engine ranking by doing things like building spammy backlinks or posting negative content about the site.

These tactics are created to deceive search engines like Google into thinking that your website breaks their rules, which can lead to penalties or even being taken off of search results. Some of the negative SEO tactics are:

Spammy Backlinks: Creating a lot of bad backlinks that point to your website.

Website Hack: Someone getting into it without permission to harm it.

Content Scraping: someone takes the content from your website and puts it on another website without your permission.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): These attacks happen when a lot of traffic is sent to a website to make it go down and not work for users.

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How to Find if a Website is Attacked by Negative SEO?

It’s really important to notice if harmful things are happening to your website, so you can fix them quickly and stop the damage. Here are some important indicators to look out for:

  • Sudden Drop in Rankings

A big sign of negative SEO is when your website suddenly drops a lot in search engine rankings. If your website was doing good and then suddenly starts doing really bad without you making any changes, it might mean someone is doing something bad on your website. 

Regularly check where your website appears in search results using tools like Google Search Console and other SEO tools to notice any sudden changes. Your website rank should not change without any major reason.

  • Increase in Spammy Backlinks

A sudden increase in bad or spammy backlinks can be a warning sign. Negative SEO attacks sometimes include making many bad links that point to your website. These links usually come from websites that are not related, do not have much credibility, or seem untrustworthy.

Use tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, or Moz to keep track of the links to your website. If you see a lot of harmful links coming to your website, someone might be trying to get Google to punish your site.

  • Scraped Content

If your content shows up on other websites without your consent, it could be a case of content scraping. Having the same content in different places can confuse search engines and make your website rank lower.

Always use tools like Copyscape or Siteliner to make sure no one is copying your work. If you see your content on other websites, ask them to take it down or use a DMCA notice to make them remove it.

  • Increase in 404 Errors

A big increase in 404 errors (page not found) may mean that someone is trying to remove your site from search engine results by making lots of broken links. Check your website often for links that don’t work using tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, or Broken Link Checker.

Search engines look at the number and quality of the links that point to your website. Fixing these mistakes quickly can help prevent harm to your website’s reputation and search engine rankings. 

  • Unusual Google Search Console Activities

Watch your Google Search Console account for anything strange happening. This means that your website might suddenly crawl slower, have fewer pages listed on Google, or get a notice from Google about something wrong with your site.

Harmful SEO attacks could include spreading untrue information about your website or changing your website’s data to make it look like you are using bad SEO techniques. GSC sends reports when something unusual happens, so make sure to monitor them.

  • Fake Reviews and Negative Comments

Other businesses might write untrue bad reviews about your business on websites like Google, Yelp, or social media. These reviews can harm how people see you on the internet and stop new customers from coming to your business.

Check your reviews and comments often and reply politely to any bad feedback. Search engines prefer websites that respond to both positive and negative comments. If you find fake reviews, tell the platform to take them down.

  • Redirects to Harmful Websites

Another way to do negative SEO is by creating links on your website that send people to bad or unrelated websites. This not only makes your website hard to use but could also get you in trouble with search engines.

Check your site’s redirects regularly and make sure they are all valid. If you see any strange website links, delete them right away and make sure your website is safe from hackers.

  • Sudden Decrease in Traffic

A sudden drop in website visitors that cannot be explained may mean someone is using negative techniques to hurt your site’s search engine ranking. It’s normal for traffic to go up and down, but if it suddenly drops a lot for no reason, we should find out why.

Use tools like Google Analytics to see where your website visitors come from and find anything unusual. Examine how traffic has changed to figure out when the decrease began and see if it’s related to other signs of bad SEO.

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Best Practices to prevent Negative SEO in Your Website

  1. Monitor Backlinks

Backlinks are really important for how high a website shows up in search results. Good links can make your website more popular and visible, but bad links can have the opposite effect. To protect your website from negative SEO, you need to regularly check your backlinks.

  • Regularly Audit of Backlinks
    Regularly checking your website’s backlinks can help you find and remove bad ones. You can use various tools like Ahrefs, Google Search Console (GSC), or Moz to check your backlinks. Search for these:
    • Spammy Domains: Look for websites with low trust, questionable names, or unimportant content.
    • Unnatural Anchor Text: Watch out for too many specific keywords in the anchor text.
    • High Number of Backlinks: An unexpected increase in backlinks can be a sign of something suspicious. Be careful if you notice a sudden and unnatural rise in backlinks.
    • Link Velocity: Look at how quickly new backlinks are gained; a sudden increase may be a warning sign.
  • Reject Harmful Backlinks
    When you find bad backlinks, it’s important to get rid of them quickly. Make a file to tell Google not to count certain links when they decide your website ranking. Then, send the file to Google. Keeping this disavow file up to date can help keep your website safe from negative SEO strategies.
  • Monitor Backlinks of Competitors
    Keeping an eye on your competitors’ backlinks can also be a helpful tactic. By checking the links that are connected to your website, you can easily find any suspicious or spammy links. Ahrefs “Link Intersect” can help you find the same websites that link to both your site and your competitors’ sites.
  1. Monitor Site Speed

The speed of a website is really important for how it ranks in search results and for how users feel about using it. Pages that take a long time to load can make people frustrated, causing them to leave the website and lowering its ranking.

Some people might try to slow down your website on purpose to make it rank lower in search results. This is how you can check and keep your website running at the best speed:

  • Speed Tests: Regularly check your website’s speed using tools like GTmetrix, Google’s PageSpeed Insights, or Pingdom. These tools give helpful information about how your website is doing and suggest ways to make it better.
  • Find Unusual Activities: Pay attention to sudden, unexplained decreases in website speed. Some people may try to harm your website by slowing it down or messing with its code. Keep an eye on your server logs for anything out of the ordinary.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): You can use a CDN to spread your website’s content on many servers all around the world. CDNs help make web pages load faster by delivering content from a server that is nearest to the user.
  • Image Optimization: Make sure to make your images smaller and clean up your website’s code to make it work faster. Large pictures and disorganized code can make your website much slower.
  1. Monitor Scraped Content

Content scraping means someone takes information from your website and puts it on other websites without your permission. This can cause problems with repeating the same content and can make it harder for your website to appear high in search results. Here’s how to keep an eye on and fight against copied content:

  • Google Alert Set Up: Create alerts on Google for important phrases and sentences from your website’s content. This will let you know if your content shows up on other websites. If you see someone copying content, do something about it right away.
  • Monitor Indexed Pages: Check how many pages from your website are listed on Google Search Console regularly. An unexpected rise in the number of pages listed on a search engine could mean that copied content is being added to the search results.
  • Copyright Notices: If you find someone using your content without permission, send a notice to the company or person who is hosting the website. Most hosting companies have ways to deal with copyright problems.
  • Canonical Tags: Add canonical tags to your website to show where the original content comes from. This can help search engines know which version of the content is most important in search results.
  1. Monitor Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) helps local businesses be seen more on the internet. It gives important details about your business, like where it is, how to contact you, and what customers think, on Google Search and Maps.

It’s important to keep an eye on your Google My Business profile to make sure it looks good online and doesn’t hurt your Google rankings. You have to do the following things:

  • Claim Your GMB Listing: The first thing to do to keep an eye on your Google My Business (GMB) profile is to claim and verify it. This process makes sure that you can manage the information shown on your listing and can quickly reply to reviews and updates. After you verify, monitor your GMB dashboard for any updates or messages.
  • Updated Information: Make sure your information is correct and current. This is very important. Make sure that your business hours, phone number, address, and website are always accurate. Any differences can make customers confused and may hurt how easy it is for people to find your business online.
  • Answer Reviews: Keep an eye on and reply to customer reviews quickly. Interact with both good and bad reviews, listen to concerns and say thank you for the good feedback. Google looks at how often and how good your answers are when deciding how to rank local businesses.
  • User Uploads: Check user uploads on Google My Business to see if they added photos or asked questions about your business. Make sure to watch these contributions to make sure they match with your brand and the message you want to send. Inappropriate or wrong content can damage how people see you online.
  • Track Data: GMB gives important information about how people use your listing. Track how many people look at, click on, and call about something to understand how people act. Change your plans based on these findings to make your local search results better.
  1. Monitor Click-Through Rate

Your click-through rate (CTR) is an important metric that shows how well your search engine listings are getting people to click on them. A high CTR can help your website rank higher in search results because search engines see it as a sign that your site is relevant and makes users happy.

It’s important to keep an eye on and improve your click-through rate to make sure your Google rankings don’t go down. To do this, you must perform the following:

  • Google Search Console: Try using Google Search Console to track how many times people click on your website in search results. It tells you how many times people click on your pages and see them in search results. By looking at this information, you can figure out which pages are not getting a lot of clicks and make them better.
  • Meta Titles and Descriptions: Your meta titles and descriptions are the first things that people see in search results. Create interesting and related titles and descriptions that make people want to click. Use important keywords and point out what makes you special to get more clicks.
  • Structured Data Markup: Using can improve your search results by adding extra information and making them look better. Things like star ratings, product prices, and event details can catch people’s eye and increase how many times they click on something.
  • A/B Testing: Try out different titles, descriptions, and website addresses to see which ones get the most clicks. A/B testing can help you improve your content to get the best results.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Check if your website works well on mobile devices since more people are now using them to access the internet. Having a website that looks good and loads quickly on mobile phones can make people more likely to click on it.
  1. Monitor Keyword Rankings

Keyword rankings are very important for SEO. It’s important to know how well your website shows up in search results for the words that relate to your business. This helps you see how visible your website is and how many people might visit it.

To stop another company from making your Google rankings worse, you need to always check how well your keywords are doing. You can monitor them by:

  • SEO Tools: Many SEO tools are available to track how keywords are ranking. Moz, Semrush, and Ahrefs are tools that can show you how well your website is doing for certain words people type into search engines. Create regular reports to keep track of any changes that happen over time.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Keep an eye on long-tail keywords that customers might use, as well as the main keywords. These words are not as popular and can help you rank better on search engines.
  • Local SEO: Keep an eye on how well your business shows up in local online searches. If you serve people in your area, it’s important to know how easily they can find you when they search for things related to your business. Tools like BrightLocal can help you see how well your website shows up in local search.
  • Competitor Rankings: Look at the keywords they show up for in search results. Find out which words or phrases are making them rank higher than you and understand the methods they are using. This information can help you choose better to improve your own rankings.
  • Content Optimization: Improve your website’s content by updating it often and targeting the right keywords. Make sure your content is useful for users and matches what they are searching for. Good, helpful content can help you keep and improve your keyword rankings.
  1. Monitor Site Security

Keeping your website secure is very important. It helps to keep your data and user information safe and also stops bad SEO attacks. Hackers and rivals may try to take advantage of weaknesses on your website to hurt your rankings or reputation.

It’s important to keep an eye on your website’s security to protect it from online threats.

To make your website secure, do the following things:

  • Security Audit: Regularly check your website’s security to find any weaknesses. Tools such as Wordfence or Sucuri can check for harmful software, code that looks suspicious, and ways that hackers might break into a system.
  • Updated Plugins and Software: Update your website’s software, plugins, and themes regularly. Programmers frequently put out new versions that fix holes in security. Not updating can make your site vulnerable to attacks.
  • Strong Passwords: Use strong and unique passwords for your website’s admin accounts and tell your team to do the same. You should think about using two-factor authentication to make your accounts more secure.
  • Safe Web Hosting: Select a trusted company that puts a lot of effort into keeping your website secure. They need to provide things like keeping copies of files, protecting against online attacks, and setting up safe settings for the server.
  • Monitor Strange Activities: Set up a way to keep an eye on things and get a warning if something seems suspicious, like someone trying to log in without permission or making changes to important files. Finding out about something early can help you act quickly to keep yourself safe from possible dangers.

To Conclude

It’s really important for your website or online business to be seen a lot online. Using bad SEO tactics can hurt your website’s rankings and reputation. By regularly checking your backlinks, site speed, and copied content, you can protect your website from harmful attacks.

Remember that it’s important to prevent problems before they happen. Check your backlinks often, get rid of bad links, and watch what your competitors are doing. Keep an eye on how fast your website is, make it work better, and look out for anything strange happening.

Stay aware of copied content problems by setting up notifications and acting quickly when needed. In the always changing world of SEO, it’s important to stay updated and take action to protect against negative SEO attacks. Keep your website’s position high and don’t let competitors bring down all the effort you put into building a strong online presence.


How can I tell if someone is trying to harm my website with negative SEO?

Typical signs of negative SEO are a quick fall in search engine rankings, lots of spammy links to your site, and a sudden increase in irrelevant or low-quality visitors. Also, if there is repeated content, strange links, or if the website has been hacked, it might mean someone is trying to harm the website’s SEO.

Can you fix negative SEO that competitors do to your website?

Yes, you can fix negative SEO attacks by quickly removing bad links, making your website more secure, and dealing with any penalties from search engines. However, getting better may take a while and you need to work hard at it, so it’s important to start taking action quickly and keep at it.

Is there anything I can do to stop negative SEO before it happens?

Yes, you can stop negative SEO by keeping your website safe, checking for copycat content and hacking attempts, and getting lots of good links to your site. Also, checking how well your website is doing and where it shows up in search results can help you find and fix any problems with SEO attacks quickly.

Can negative SEO hurt how high my website shows up in search results?

Negative SEO tactics like spammy backlinks, stealing content, and fake reviews can lower your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. This can happen because search engines might penalize your site because of these tactics.

How can I check for negative SEO attacks on my website?

You can check your website regularly to see if someone is trying to harm it through negative SEO. You can do this by looking at the websites that link to yours, watching how your website shows up in search results, and keeping an eye on how many people are visiting your website. You can use tools like Google Search Console and other SEO software to find any unusual activity.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.