While starting a journey to make your social media better, you need to understand well what you are doing now and how well people are liking it. This is when you check and review your social media accounts. Businesses can learn a lot from auditing everything carefully.

A social media audit is when you look closely at your social media accounts and posts to see what’s doing well, what’s not, and what changes you can make to do better. They can find out what people like, what kind of content works best, and how well they are doing on social media.

This helps them improve their plans, use resources better, and match their social media efforts with their business goals. In this post, we will talk about why it is important to audit your social media, and how to do it successfully to improve your results on social media.

Why is Social Media Audit Important?

Doing a social media audit for your business helps you make your online presence better, reach the right people, and meet your marketing goals. Here are the good things about auditing your social media accounts for your business:

Understand Current Process

A social media audit is important to see what is working and what’s not in your social media strategy. By checking everything carefully, you can see how well your social media is working.

You need to look at important numbers like how much people are interested, how many see your content, and how many buy your products to see what you are good at and what needs improvement.

Knowing what your audience likes will help you improve your plan, make your content better, and use your resources wisely. A social media audit gives you important information that helps you make better choices and make your social media marketing better.

Get Better ROI

Auditing your social media accounts is important to improve your outcomes and get the most out of your investment. By carefully auditing your social media accounts, posts, and plans, you can see what you’re doing well and what needs improvement.

This understanding helps you to work better, use resources wisely, and improve how you do social media marketing. By making changes based on the audit results, you can increase how much people are interested, how many people see your content, and how many people take action.

This will help you get better results and make more money from your investment. A social media audit helps you make better decisions and get better results from your social media efforts.

Identify New opportunities

Auditing social media is important for finding new trends and opportunities in digital marketing. By doing an audit, you can study what’s happening in the market, in the industry, and on social media.

This helps you to be ahead of others, find new chances to connect with people, and take advantage of new trends before your competition. Moreover, a social media check lets you see what your audience likes and how they act, so you can adjust your plan to fit their changing wants and likes.

Doing a social media audit helps you change and come up with new ideas, making sure you stay important and successful in the ever-changing world of social media marketing.

Improve Your Brand Image

It’s important to check your social media accounts to make sure they are helping your brand look good. By checking your social media profiles and posts, you can make sure they are always true to your brand and message.

Understanding what you are good at and what you need to work on can help you improve how you talk about your brand, fix any problems, and make people see your brand in a better way. Moreover, knowing how your audience feels and what they think helps you to reply well, create trust, and develop good connections.

A social media audit helps make your brand look good and stand out from other businesses by making strategic improvements and managing things before they become a problem. This can help your business be successful in a competitive market.

Increase Customer Engagement

Auditing social media accounts is important for getting more people to interact with your business. By looking at how you use social media, the things you post, and how people respond, you can find ways to get more people interested.

This might include looking at how well the content is doing, finding out what the audience likes, and seeing where there are problems in communication. By using what you learned from the audit, like improving your content and talking to your followers, you can make better connections with your audience.

Ultimately, a social media audit helps you better understand your customers and make your social media content more interesting and engaging. This leads to more people visiting your site and getting more sales.

Also Read: How to Efficiently Use Meta Business Suite (Formerly Known As Facebook Business Suite)?

7 Social Media Audit Steps

  1. Set Your Audit Goals

It’s really important to have clear and measurable goals when you are doing a social media audit. Goals help you figure out what you need to pay attention to when you are auditing data, so you can reach the results you want.

If you don’t have clear goals, your audit will result in unclear suggestions. Clear goals help you turn findings into specific steps to get better. You can add resources where they will have the best impact and see if your efforts are working. Here are some good goals to have when checking social media accounts:

  • Boost the number of people interacting with our Instagram content by 5% in the next three months
  • Improve how many people buy things on the website from social media by 15% in the second quarter
  • Narrow down who you want to see on X (formerly Twitter) to include Gen Z by June

Make sure your goals for checking your social media match up with your main business goals and be open to improving things based on what you find in the audit.

  1. Take an Inventory

You need to know all of your brand’s social media accounts online so you can manage them well and keep the brand’s message consistent. Consistently showing the same brand image everywhere helps people trust and recognize the brand more, and makes it more visible online.

social media accounts online

For instance, you can use the same pictures, descriptions, way of talking, and images.

Understanding all the accounts you have can help you keep them safe from being hacked, having your identity stolen, and damaging your reputation. Follow these instructions to find and make a list of all your accounts:

  • Ask your marketing, communications, and customer service teams to find all active accounts and keep track of accounts that have been forgotten
  • Search for your brand name and related words on Google to see what shows up
  • Make a main document to write down all the social media accounts you find. Note down the name of the website, your username, what kind of account you have (like personal or business), when you made the account, and how often you use it
  • Use a tool like Tailwind or Sprout Social to keep track of all your brand’s social media accounts in one place
  • For every account, change login details, turn on two-factor security, and set up security settings
  • Find and delete accounts that are not needed or are not claimed in order to avoid mix-ups with your brand and to keep your information safe

Auditing social media profiles regularly is a continuous activity. Continuously check where you are and make sure you are safe.

  1. Examine Key Performance Metrics

Every social media site has its own special style of content and the people who use it. This means you need to have a specific strategy for each of your social media accounts to stay competitive and up-to-date.

First, figure out the important metrics for each platform and use the right tools to gather data in order to understand it better. Here is how you measure success on different social media sites:

Facebook: People who like your page, people who like your posts, people who comment or share your posts, how many people see your posts, how many times your posts are seen, the rate at which people click on your posts, and how many people visit your website from Facebook.

X (formerly Twitter): How many times people have seen, shared, or replied to your posts, how often people interact with your posts, how well your hashtags are doing, how many new followers you have, and how often people mention you?

Instagram: Increase in followers, number of likes, comments, people saving your posts, views on your stories, how many people see your posts, how many times your posts are seen, how well your hashtags are doing, and number of clicks on your website link.

TikTok: Number of people watching, liking, saving, sharing, leaving comments, and number of followers gained.

YouTube: How many people watch your videos, how long they watch them for, how many people subscribe to your channel, how much people engage by liking and commenting on your videos, how many people click on your videos, and how long your audience watches your videos?

LinkedIn: How many people saw, liked, commented, shared, and clicked on your post, how many new followers and leads you gained, and how many people saw your company page?

Adjust your performance indicators to fit your particular goals. Only pay attention to the things that really match your goals. Examples of these KPIs can include where people come from to visit your website, how happy customers are with their experience, and how many potential customers are interested in your product or service.

Many platforms have their own analytics tools. For more detailed information and comparison on different social media platforms, you should think about using these tools to analyze social media.

Performance Metrics

Sprout Social: It offers detailed information about how your social media is doing, lets you see how much people are interacting with your posts, and shows you what your competitors are doing on social media.

Vista Social: It is a tool that helps manage social media. It can schedule posts, analyze data, monitor what people are saying, manage reviews, and more.

Flick AI: It can help you understand how well your Instagram profile and hashtags are doing. It also uses AI to help create and schedule your content.

Google Analytics: It keeps track of where people come from when they visit your website from social media. It also helps you figure out if the money you spend on social media is making you more money in return.

  1. Assess Your Social Media Strategy

Your social media posts should help meet your business goals for your social media strategies to work well. When people like, comment, and share your posts, it shows that you are getting through to the people you want to reach with your content.

Compare how much people interact with different types of posts on different websites. You should also think about what types of content your audience likes the most. For example, you might get more people watching and interacting with videos, and fewer people interested in just reading text.

Social Media Strategy

Make sure that your content reflects your brand’s personality and stays consistent on all social media platforms. Use these tips to check how well your content strategy is working on different social media platforms:

  • Compare how well videos, images, and text engage people to see which one is the most popular. Try out different pictures and videos on social media to see what works best
  • Look at more than just the number of likes and pay attention to how people are interacting with your posts, such as comments, shares, and replies. Then figure out which posts are doing the best
  • Use tools like Vista Social, and Semrush’s AI Social Media Post Generator to plan content, come up with post ideas, and use AI-generated social media captions
  • Try posting at different times and see which ones get the most likes, comments, and shares. Then, figure out why those posts were more popular. You can use Post Planner to plan what you want to post, schedule when it should be posted, and put it on your profiles
  • Encourage the audience to join in by answering polls, asking questions, and sending messages so you can find out what they like
  • Make smart choices about what you share online by using concrete evidence and careful analysis
  1. Know What is Effective for Your Social Media Followers

Being successful on social media depends on how well you understand your followers. You need to know who they are, what they like, and how they act in order to create content that connects with them.

You can learn about who your audience is using computer programs that analyze data. Monitor what people like by how old they are, whether they are male or female, where they live, and what language they speak.

Social Media Followers

Gather opinions and preferences by asking people questions on your website or social media. You can also have question and answer sessions or ask for comments and messages to get people’s opinions and suggestions. Here’s how to make sure your content strategy fits with your audience:

  • Create content that talks about what your audience likes, needs, and struggles with. Use relevant language, jokes, and pictures that people can understand and relate to
  • Share your posts when your followers are most engaged and change how often you post based on what they like to see
  • Encourage people to talk and ask questions by joining in the conversation and discussing things. Respond to comments quickly and show that you really care about making good connections with others
  • Create content that is helpful, interesting, and inspiring, instead of just trying to sell. For instance, you could use memes to get a lot of likes and comments
  • Always try different ways, study the outcomes, and change your plan according to what the audience says

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  1. Analyze Your Competition

Understanding what your competition is good at and not so good at on social media is important for making your own strategy better. Here’s how to compare your company to others:

  • Find out what your competitors are doing on social media to promote their business. For example, you can look at brands that are trying to reach the same people as you and selling similar things
  • Pay attention to the places where you and your competitors are most active
  • Examine the different kinds of posts, how often they are posted, how much people interact with them, who is reading them, and how people feel about the brand
  • Compare how well you are doing compared to your competitors to see where you are strong and where you need to improve
  • Study their best posts and how they get people to interact. Search for weaknesses in their methods that you can take advantage of
  • Find out where your competitors are better than you and what dangers they might cause

With this information, you can change your content to fit what your audience likes and improve on what your competitors are missing. Talk about things that your competitors aren’t talking about to help the needs of certain people.

Stay ahead by noticing new trends that your competitors haven’t started using yet. Make sure to show off your special brand personality and strengths so people notice you. Don’t copy your competition. Instead, take ideas from them and make them fit with your own brand.

  1. Make Changes to Your Strategy and Monitor Performance

After auditing your social media carefully, you have to use what you learned to make changes and keep an eye on how things are going to make sure you keep doing well. Tell your teams about the audit results and what they need to do to make the plan work.

For instance, advertising, talking to people, and helping customers. Don’t try to change everything all at once. Instead, find the most important areas from the audit and your business goals. Start working on those first to show the value of the audit.

Break down the changes you want to make into smaller tasks and set deadlines for each one. Then, be ready to change your plan based on how well things are going and what people say. Here are some tips for regularly checking and improving your social media accounts:

  • Set up regular checks every three months or every year to see how things are going and find new chances for improvement
  • Keep up with the latest social media trends and platform changes to make sure your plan stays up-to-date and effective
  • Check your social media goals often and make sure your plan and content still match them
  • Use strong tools to keep track of your social media and see how people are talking about your brand
  • Change how you approach things if your business goals or the people you are trying to reach change

Final Thoughts

By auditing their social media, businesses can see what’s doing well and what needs to be better. This helps them learn what to keep doing and what to change. This helps them improve their plans, make the best use of their resources, and make sure their social media work fits with their business goals. 

Doing a social media audit helps businesses make their brand look better, get more people interested in their products, and do better on social media. By doing regular checks and using what they learn, businesses can keep up and succeed in the ever-changing world of social media marketing.

Make your social media profiles better, create content that your audience will like, and keep track of how your goals are going. By using what you found in your audit, you can improve your plan, build better relationships, and see your online presence grow.


What are the important components of auditing social media?

It includes looking at your profiles, the quality of your posts and how many people interact with them, who your followers are and what they do, looking at what your competitors are doing, and measuring how far your posts reach, how much people interact with them, and how many people take action because of them.

How can I use the information I learned from auditing my social media to make my plan better?

The information you get from auditing social media can help you make your content better, figure out the best times to post, find ways to get more people interested, and put more effort into the things that work the best.

Can I audit my social media accounts by myself, or should I get help from an expert?

You can audit your social media accounts by yourself, but it’s better to get help from experts. They can give you more insights and help make sure your audit is thorough and effective.

What tools can I use to audit my social media?

Many tools can help with social media audits, like the analytics platforms on social media sites (such as Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics), third-party analytics tools (like Hootsuite and Sprout Social), and specialized audit tools (such as SEMrush and Socialbakers). These tools can help you measure and compare how well you’re doing compared to your competitors.

What problems do businesses often run into when they do a social media audit?

Typical problems when doing a social media audit are having too much information, finding it hard to understand the metrics, not keeping track of things the same way on different platforms, and figuring out what to do with the information. But, you can solve these problems by making a careful plan, having clear goals, and using the right tools to analyze them.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.