The growth of social media and digital marketing platforms has offered marketers with multiple options to not only reach out to their target audience, but also to keep a track of the activities of their competitors, and the processes and methods they are using to maximize their reach. One major benefit of digital marketing is that if you are keeping a track of your competitor’s activities, you are missing out a major opportunity. The tool launched by PixelMe could be really helpful in this matter.


Using Facebook’s Ad Library, which was launched to all pages in 2018, PixelMe’s new AdInboxMe’ tool will send you an alert whenever your competitors launch an ad campaign on Facebook, enabling you to stay updated with the offers and processes which are being utilized by them.

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The tool is quite easy to use. You just need to add the URL of the specific Facebook page which you intend to track, which the tool will search for.

You can connect with the page’s Facebook Ad Library listing, helping you to view all of its previous ads. Click on ‘Alert Me’ and enter your e-mail address to receive the alerts. This will enable you to receive any new notification to the page’s Ad Library listing.



This is a hassle-free way to ensure that you stay aware of the promotional campaigns you competitors are running on Facebook. Though it’s a simple process, it will enable you to save the time you would otherwise spend to verify each page’s Facebook Ad Library listing individually to stay updated about any new campaigns.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.