Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.
Content Marketing
6 Steps for Making Delicious Meals Out of Your Content Marketing Leftovers
As a highly-effective marketing channel, content marketing is growing at an astounding pace. While drawing a strategic approach to reap the several benefits of this channel, marketers have a tendency to over-complicate things. Read this informative article by Caitlin Burgess and learn 6 tricks to take a whip hand on content marketing.
How to Beat the 8-Second Attention Span Plague
Ace the crucial task of holding your audience’s interest and prevail upon the average attention span in the digital world, with this amazing blog post by Al Gomez. He shared some important leads to keep in consideration while drafting content marketing strategies. Have a close look for a better understanding.
Announcing the 2018 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey
In today’s high-tech society, keeping a check on the factors that influence your ranking is one of the important essence of digital marketing. Read the recent article by Darren Shaw, in which he listed the factors that brought a major shift in Google’s local search algorithm in 2018. Get familiar with these factors to improve your visibility in search engines.
The ultimate guide to performing an SEO website audit
Are you putting in all the efforts, time and money working on your website to boost its visibility, but you are still not seeing the traffic that you want? Undergo a detailed site auditing to find errors and make amends. Read the ultimate guide, shared by Callum Sharp in his recent article and perform a worthwhile SEO audit.
WordPress SEO: The Ultimate Guide
There is nothing to deny that WordPress has become a powerful platform for building relationships with customers and showcasing the best features of your product or services. If your WordPress SEO still needs some amendments, have a look at this subsequent guide posted by Kristen Baker.
Social Media Marketing
5 Ways to Manage Your Social Media Over the Holiday Vacations
Since the nature of social media requires round the clock commitment, it is quite a daunting task to manage the social media traffic over the vacation holidays. Learn these 5 tips and tricks, listed by Christin Kardos, to put a plan in action and stay connected to your customers during the nonpareil time of the year.
How to Make Your LinkedIn Company Page Stand Out
Have a look at the informative article by Vlad Calus, in which he discussed ways to best take advantage of LinkedIn’s ability to promote your business. Use these effective approaches to stand out among the crowd and ensure that your LinkedIn presence contributes to your brand’s greater business objectives.
Email Marketing
4 Email Marketing Tips to Drive Sales This Holiday Season
In a recent article, Syed Balkhi listed 4 time-tested email marketing tips, filled with holiday spirit, to increase your conversions and sales during the unrivaled season. Since email marketing is the key factor that can build loyalty and trust in your brand, make sure it drives more sales this holiday season.
3 Things Your Email Marketing Strategy Could Be Missing
Don’t even know where your email campaigns are going wrong? Wake up before the thunderclap. Include these 3 crucial elements in your campaigns to connect with your audience better. Have a look at the factual blog post by Choncé Maddox and make sure that you have not messed up the email marketing strategy.
Link Building
5 Content Strategies to Boost Digital PR and Link Building Success
When we combine content strategies with PR and link building, they provide a centralized platform to exchange ideas. In order to craft winning strategies, have a close look at the recent article by Ivan Widjaya, in which he listed 5 most relevant strategies to boost traffic, driving leads and increasing sales and revenue for your business.