Career Growth in Post COVID-19 Era
How to keep yourselves updated?

Get free job advice, analysis and strategies from the digital marketing experts

The Speakers

Aashish Chopra
Aashish Chopra
Deepak Kanakaraju
Deepak Kanakaraju
Navneet Kaushal
Navneet Kaushal
Sourav Jain
Sourav Jain
Watch On-demand now

Why you should attend the conference?

Market Understanding

Great minds from digital marketing industry are coming together to discuss the effect of COVID-19 outbreak on several domains. This is an opportunity to understand market signs and know the ways to stay ahead of the curve.


There couldn’t be a better time to upscale yourself than NOW. With this conference, you get a heads up on the opportunities that will be available post-pandemic. Learn more about free resources that can give your career a boost or help with job search.

Post-COVID-19 Strategizing

Post- COVID-19, the world economy will look different from what it was before the pandemic. Know the actionable job strategies that can help you make the right career move post-pandemic.

Conference Speakers

PageTraffic Buzz gathered the brightest minds in the digital marketing world. Learn new skills and get insights from experts and practitioners from all around!

Aashish Chopra
Aashish Chopra

VP-Content Marketing

Deepak Kanakaraju
Deepak Kanakaraju

CEO & Co-Founder

Navneet Kaushal
Navneet Kaushal

Founder & CEO

Sourav Jain
Sourav Jain


Learn Everything You Need

What the conference unfolds?

Adaptability, ability to learn, unlearn and relearn - COVID-19 is teaching us the true meaning of evolution. Believe it or not, this is the right time to bring a positive CHANGE as a professional. That’s why we are here. The conference will bring some great minds together to help professionals navigate in the right direction in the current crisis.

How COVID-19 is impacting the market?

Every business sector is affected by COVID-19 but in a different way. While tourism, aviation are seen as most vulnerable sectors, eCommerce companies might do better. Lessons learned - adapt quickly to survive and grow.

Why do professionals need to upscale?

COVID-19 has made it imperative for businesses to be in sync with technology. Digital marketing will be at the forefront post-pandemic, and if you have more than basic knowledge and experience in digital arena, expect more growth.

How digital marketing professionals can upskill themselves?

Every digital marketing professional has different skills. So, what is it that you need to learn to get better? A webinar could unfold such questions, and help you figure out how to keep yourself relevant and not cease to exist.

Join the PageTraffic Buzz Free Online Event!

Watch on-demand anytime!

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