We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week you need to know:
Search Related Updates And News From Major Search Engines
Google’s Goal Is To Make Search Help Documentation More Clear And Direct
Google’s John Mueller stated that the search engine aims to provide more “clear instructions” in its help manual. This is in contrast to more “handwavy” documentation. “We’ve been trying to move away from handwavy “it would be nice if you did X” docs and more towards clear guidance (“If you want A, then do X” (even if X is just a great practice and technically not a requirement)),” John stated on Twitter. Over the last few years, Google has been actively updating its search-related help documentation, frequently, and in more detail.
PPC Related Updates And News
Microsoft Ads Plans to Switch to a New Feedback Platform
Microsoft has revealed that in October, they will transition to a new feedback platform. The feedback platform’s objective is to assist Microsoft in listening to and gathering input and pushing feedback to their engineering teams for action. Users can submit ideas, such as feature requests or suggestions, to Microsoft’s existing tool, and other users can vote on the comments they think are valuable. The engineering team’s current state is also included in the feedback posts.
The Google Ads Search Terms Report Now Includes 6.5X More Query Data
Google said that the Google Ads search phrase report now contains 6.5 times more query data than before the company began hiding search term data in September 2020. “We’re able to show you more queries that meet our privacy standards in the search terms report for Search and Dynamic Search Ads campaigns,” Google added. According to Google, “this data will now be shown in your reports for queries you received starting from February 1, 2021. This update can help you identify more relevant keyword themes, making it easier to optimize your ad copy, landing pages, and more. These metrics will now be more consistent with the rest of the metrics in Google Ads.”
Social Media Updates And News
YouTube Now Includes Traffic And Revenue Data In Its Mobile Analytics
YouTube adds more analytics insights that were previously only available on the desktop to mobile, including statistics on traffic sources and income. Creators can now track their profits while on the road and see how viewers are finding their videos. In terms of money, YouTube is giving creators a new way to appeal if they believe they were wrongfully removed from the YouTube Partner Program.
YouTube Adds More Creators To The List Of Those Who Can Make Community Posts
YouTube is decreasing the eligibility threshold for community postings, giving many more creators access to a tool that will allow them to connect with their fans more effectively. Previously, YouTube channels had to have at least 1,000 subscribers to publish community postings. Beginning October 12, that requirement will be dropped to 500 subscribers. According to YouTube, this will give access to millions of more producers.
Facebook Reports An Increase In The Use Of Digital Tools By Small And Medium-Sized Businesses
According to Facebook, the percentage of small businesses that use digital tools has climbed significantly, growing from 81 percent to 88 percent in the last six months. During the COVID-19 epidemic, there has been a spike in the use of digital tools. Small businesses have had to adapt to new ways of reaching out to clients and overcome physical constraints placed on their operations.