Yahoo! offers diverse services and if you are not in the know about them, you will stop short of making best of it. Now there is help.

Wendy Boswell has given a comprehensive guide submission options for Yahoo! Here is the excerpt from her post-

 Yahoo is both a search engine and a directory. By submitting your site to Yahoo’s human-edited directory, you may have a better chance of being found by purely spider-driven engines (such as Google). It’s best to figure out exactly where your site or content may fit in the Yahoo structure before submitting willy-nilly to anything that has the word "submit" in it. Expect a "reasonable delay" when using any of these site submission options.

There are eight (!) submission options with Yahoo; I’m going to briefly go over them one by one:

    * free site submission
    * free mobile site submission
    * free media content submission
    * Yahoo search index submission
    * sponsored search
    * product submission
    * travel submission
    * Yahoo directory submit
    * Yahoo standard submission

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Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.